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PE / Health and Social Care

Physical Education – Curriculum intent and Implementation


The Intent of Physical Education Curriculum at Swinton Academy is to develop Physical Education students that:

· are passionate, engaged and enthusiastic students.

· have the opportunity to experience a balanced and varied curriculum allowing students to participate in a wide variety of activities covering invasion, racket, striking and fielding, aesthetics and athletics.

· use technical terminology with confidence, accurately and precisely, building up an extended specialist vocabulary;

· can apply their mathematical knowledge to their understanding of PE, including measuring, timing, estimating and analysing data;

· attend extra-curricular sporting clubs and competitions, have an opportunity to represent their school and community;

· develop a lifelong love of sports and physical exercise;

· make positive informed choices around their health, well-being and diet;

· link the benefits of a healthy diet and physical activity to mental and physical well-being;

· develop their leadership qualities and skills through sport;

· have a sound understanding of different sports, their origins, including British and world-wide sporting role models;

· are prepared for the transition between KS3 and KS4 then KS5 PE with the skills, knowledge, character and leadership to excel;

· understand how to exercise safely.


The intent of our curriculum is implemented through:

· studying a variety of sports and activities, experiencing tactics and strategies through a series of condition and competitive games;

· having the opportunity to attend extra-curricular activities and represent the school. Celebrating successes and manage the challenges of defeat;

· being assessed in four assessment strands, these being:

o Performance – being able to develop skills in different scenarios, individually, as pairs and in groups or teams. Exploring tactics, strategies and implementing skills learnt to a broad range of sporting situations.

o Health, fitness and physical preparation – Students will understand and build on knowledge to answer the questions - how do I improve fitness? How to prepare and recover from physical activity safely? How do I test fitness? Understanding that will allow students to lead a healthy active lifestyle both now and in the future.

o Leadership & Character – participate in lesson with correct equipment, work together in pairs, groups and teams. Lead peers and through sport develop self-esteem, confidence and resilience.

o Knowledge/Theory – Develop an understanding of ‘anatomy and physiology’, ‘fitness and training’, ‘Nutrition’ and ‘sport injury’. Students will develop vocabulary and support knowledge through practical experiences.

· lessons that will be practical, progressive, supportive and accessible by all students. They will be challenging whilst supporting the needs of all students;

· promoting underlying theory themes, based around health fitness and wellbeing including, Fitness, Nutrition, Anatomy and First Aid, CPR.