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Attendance Expectations

Our expectation is that all students aim to have an attendance figure of 100% for each term.  This level of attendance will ensure success in lessons, as research has shown there is a direct link between attendance and achievement in school.

If your child has good attendance, they will:

  • contribute in lessons
  • work with staff to develop strategies to enable progress
  • receive better examination results
  • feel happier about school

If your child is absent regularly they may:

  • find work harder
  • not feel part of the class or school
  • find it hard to make friends
  • not make the most of the opportunities provided by the school

We appreciate that children are unwell from time to time and that there can be exceptional circumstances for absences, but we ask that you think carefully about keeping your child out of school.

Reporting Student Absence

If reporting a pupil absent, please 01709 570586 (option 1).

Calls should be received by school by 8.30am on the first day of pupil absence. Year team staff will call later each day until the student returns to school.

We apologise, but we cannot accept reports of pupil absence via e-mail.